Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November Net Worth

October was a month that offered a lot of growth. I ended up earning more than I had anticipated at my new job and also reaping the calendar benefits of an extra payday. I am currently at a -63008.76 net worth. This is +2462.66 from when I started tracking my net worth in August. It seems to be that once you pay attention to your net worth, it starts to go up. I was working on my debt before tracking net worth, but when I saw the data, I wanted to keep working towards that ever elusive positive net worth. 

Over the month I survived one of my best friends also going down to one job and now is available on weekends. I also used my HGTV obsession to benifit a previous Crayola colored room and my budget. Most of all, I learned about and experienced Prjkt Ruby, which will save me loads of dollars in the long run. 

If you don't already keep a net worth tracker, I'd highly recommend it. Even if posting it online isn't for you, then make a Google Doc and keep that information.Feel free to share it here, or comment with links to your own sites. I enjoy reading all kinds of new blogs and topics. 

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